CAT Shuttle 1.x cannot be patched to the current version. You must uninstall CAT Shuttle 1.x before installing the current version of CAT Shuttle.
CAT Shuttle 2.x can be patched the current version by choosing to download any available updates.
Any existing version of CAT Shuttle must be uninstalled prior to running the installer.
Open the CAT Shuttle Installer page and click on the Install button. Depending on your system and browser configuration, you may need to save the CAT Shuttle setup program, CATShuttle_Setup215.exe, to your computer. Execute CATShuttle_Setup215.exe after the file download has completed.
Windows Operating System
CAT Shuttle is compatible with the Windows versions listed below.
Windows 98
Windows Me
Windows NT (version 4 and later)
Windows 2000
Windows XP (all 32-bit and 64-bit* versions)
Windows Server 2003 (all 32-bit and 64-bit* versions)
Windows Vista (all 32-bit and 64-bit* versions)
Windows Server 2008 (all 32-bit and 64-bit* versions)
Windows 7 (all 32-bit and 64-bit* versions)
Windows 8 & 8.1 (all 32-bit and 64-bit* versions)
* CAT Shuttle has not been tested with an Itanium processor (IA-64).
.NET Framework 4.0
If not present, the .NET Framework 4.0 will be installed by the setup program before starting the CAT Shuttle setup wizard. If the setup program does not automatically continue with the CAT Shuttle installation after the .NET Framework 4.0 is installed, you will need to run the setup program again to install CAT Shuttle.
Windows Installer 3.1
If not present, the Windows Installer 3.1 (or later) will be installed by the setup program before starting the CAT Shuttle setup wizard. If the setup program does not automatically continue with the CAT Shuttle installation after the Windows Installer 3.1 (or later) is installed, you will need to run the setup program again to install CAT Shuttle.
Windows Update
While not required, usage of Windows Update or Microsoft Update is highly recommended. Updating your system can reduce vulnerabilities, fix bugs, and improve the performance of your operating system. Contact your vendor(s) about Windows Update compatibility if you have any concerns about your installed software.
CAT Shuttle Setup Wizard
The CAT Shuttle Setup Wizard will always install the most recent version of CAT Shuttle.
Clicking on the Back button in any installer window will bring you to the previous window.
Clicking on the Cancel button in any installer window will terminate the CAT Shuttle installation.
Clicking on the Next button in any installer window will bring you to the next window.
Welcome to the CAT Shuttle Setup Wizard - Click on the Next button to start installing CAT Shuttle.
Select Installation Folder - Set the installation folder and user access, then click on the Next button.
Installation Folder - To change the installation folder, click on the Browse... button and choose a different location. CAT Shuttle can be installed on any drive. Click on the Disk Cost... button to verify that the chosen drive has enough disk space. CAT Shuttle requires ~ 1.3 MB of disk space.
User Access - By default, CAT Shuttle will be available to all users of the installation computer (Everyone). Choose Just me to limit CAT Shuttle access to the user account that performs the installation.
Launch and Configure CAT Shuttle - Choose whether or not to configure CAT Shuttle after installation, and then click on the Next button.
CAT Shuttle Configuration can only be cancelled in the configuration splash screen, but all configuration settings can be changed whenever CAT Shuttle is running.
Confirm Installation - Click on the Next button to start installing CAT Shuttle.
Installing CAT Shuttle - The progress bar will complete twice, initially while the CAT Shuttle files are downloaded, and then again as the installation is completed. The CAT Shuttle Information window will open after the progress bar completes for the second time.
CAT Shuttle Information - Read the information offered, and then click on the Next button.
If you chose to Launch CAT Shuttle after installation, the CAT Shuttle Configuration splash window may open at this time. We recommend that you finish the CAT Shuttle installer before configuring CAT Shuttle (click on the Next button).
Installation Complete - Click on the Close button to close the CAT Shuttle installer.
CAT Shuttle Configuration will begin the first time that CAT Shuttle is started. During configuration you will choose how CAT Shuttle will acquire data. Upon completion, CAT Shuttle will enter normal start-up operations, connecting to Speche and beginning to listen for data using the selected usage mode. All CAT Shuttle Configuration settings will remain in effect until changed.
Splash window
Click on the Configure... button to start CAT Shuttle Configuration. Click on the Cancel button to exit CAT Shuttle Configuration. CAT Shuttle Configuration will resume the next time CAT Shuttle is started.
Select the Usage Mode
CAT Shuttle can acquire data in four different ways: TCP Server, TCP Client, Serial Port, and Virtual Serial Port. Choose a Usage Mode that will work with the output options available to your software or device.
CAT Software - Determine the output options available to the CAT software by reading the manual, viewing help, or contacting the vendor. Some older CAT systems can only output to a Serial / COM port, but most can also output to a remote server / encoder using an IP Address and TCP Port. If CAT Shuttle is installed on the same computer as the CAT software, the Usage Mode should be set to either TCP Server or Virtual Serial Port. If CAT Shuttle is installed on a separate computer, the Usage Mode should be set to either TCP Server or Serial Port (when using a multi-line block).
TCP Server
CAT Shuttle will listen for a TCP connection from your software and relay any data received to the Speche servers. You can use this setting if your software can output / send data to a remote server or encoder using an IP Address and Port combination. After selecting TCP Server, click Next to assign the TCP Port that will be monitored by CAT Shuttle.
TCP Port - Enter or select the TCP Port that CAT Shuttle will listen to. CAT Shuttle can listen for data connections on any open TCP port from 1025 to 65550. The default port, 7000, is typically available for use.
Connect to CAT Shuttle - CAT Shuttle can be used with any software or device capable of making an outbound TCP connection to an IP Address and TCP Port, such as CAT software or data relay devices. CAT Shuttle should be started before your CAT software (and must be started before attempting to connect to it).
IP Address - If the connecting software is on the same computer as CAT Shuttle, use or localhost as the IP Address when configuring the outbound connection. If the connecting software is on a remote server or device, use the IP Address of the computer running CAT Shuttle.
Port - Use the TCP Port assigned during CAT Shuttle configuration as the port when configuring the outbound connection.
TCP Client
CAT Shuttle will make a TCP connection to a remote server or device and relay any data received to the Speche servers. Use this setting to have CAT Shuttle connect to a broadcast server or relay device that can accept TCP connections. After selecting TCP Client, click Next to assign the IP Address and Port that CAT Shuttle will connect to. Together, the IP Address and Port make up what is referred to as an IP End Point.
IP Address and Port
IP Address - Enter the IP Address that CAT Shuttle will connect to. This should be the IP Address of a remote server, device, or software application that is listening for TCP connections. The IP Address should be entered in IPv4 format. Example:
Port - Enter the TCP Port that CAT Shuttle will connect to. This should be the TCP Port being monitored for incoming connections by the remote server, device, or software application at the entered IP Address.
Connect with CAT Shuttle - Start CAT Shuttle. CAT Shuttle will connect to this IP End Point and listen for data to relay back to the Speche servers. If you encounter any problems, contact the administrator of the remote server, device, or software application to verify the IP Address, Port, and listening status.
Serial Port CAT Shuttle will listen for a connection on an existing Serial (COM) Port and relay any data received to the Speche servers. Use this setting to receive data from an external computer, device, or multi-line block over a serial cable or USB serial connection. After selecting Serial Port, click Next to assign (and configure) the Serial Port that will be monitored by CAT Shuttle.
Serial Port and Port Settings
Serial Port - Choose a Serial (COM) Port from the Serial Port pull-down. CAT Shuttle will listen for connections (and data) on the chosen port. If an expected port is not present, verify whether it is software dependent and start any required software. To refresh the Serial Port list, you must click the Back button to return to Usage Mode selection, and then Next to reload Serial Port selection.
Port Settings - It may be necessary to modify the Serial Port settings to be compatible with the setting used by the sending device. If data issues are encountered, verify the settings used by the sending device and adjust the Baud Rate, Parity, Data Bits, and Stop Bits to match those settings.
Connect to CAT Shuttle - Connect the external server or device to the computer with a serial cable or USB serial connection. If a USB serial device is being used, make sure that any required software is running to create the Serial Port. Start CAT Shuttle.
Virtual Serial Port* CAT Shuttle will create a Virtual Serial Port, listen for a connection on that port, and relay any data received to the Speche servers. You can use the setting if your software can output / send data to a Serial (COM) Port and is installed on the same computer as CAT Shuttle.
Virtual Serial Port* - Choose the Virtual Serial Port that CAT Shuttle will create, and monitor for connections. You will only be offered ports between 1 and 20 that do not exist on this computer, at this time. Do not use any ports that may be used by other applications employing virtual serial ports, such an USB serial device. CAT Shuttle must be started before attempting to connect to the Virtual Serial Port with your CAT software.
Connect to CAT Shuttle - Start CAT Shuttle. The chosen Virtual Serial Port will be visible as a real Serial or COM port to any application running on this computer, but only while CAT Shuttle is running. Direct the output of your software at the chosen port.
* If you encountered the following message, for your chosen Virtual Serial Port, on your first usage of CAT Shuttle, stop and re-start CAT Shuttle. If you receive this message again, select a different Virtual Serial Port value. There is a known, but infrequent issue that can cause this message to be erroneously displayed when CAT Shuttle Configuration is launched from the installer. We hope to correct this in a future release.
Username and Password
CAT Shuttle will use the entered Username and Password to connect to events running on the Speche eScription platform. Speche usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.
Username - Enter the username exactly as received from Speche or the entity you are contracting with.
Password - Enter and re-enter the password exactly as received from Speche or the entity you are contracting with.
CAT Shuttle can be started from the desktop short-cut
At start-up, CAT Shuttle will connect to the Speche servers and download any available updates. If a CAT Shuttle update is available, you will be given the option to load
the update (OK) or to run the current CAT Shuttle files (Cancel).
Program Menu CAT Shuttle can be started from the Speche Communications entry in your programs menu
Start >> [All] Programs >> Speche Communications >> CAT Shuttle
Instance Check - CAT Shuttle will check your system to determine of another instance of CAT Shuttle is already running. By default, only one instance of CAT Shuttle can be running on a single computer. To run multiple instances of CAT Shuttle on a computer, you must uncheck the 'Allow single instance only' checkbox in the Configuration window of the currently running instance.
Update Check - CAT Shuttle will connect to the Speche servers to check if any updates are available.
Download Update - If an update is available, you must choose whether or not to download the update. Click Yes to download the CAT Shuttle update. Click No to download the update at a later time.
System Tray Icon - CAT Shuttle will add the red "NOT CONNECTED" icon to your System Tray . This icon will continue to be displayed until CAT Shuttle connects to the Speche servers.
CAT Shuttle User Interface - CAT Shuttle will open a user interface window.
Connect to Speche - CAT Shuttle will connect to Speche and load the "CONNECTED" icon into your System Tray . CAT Shuttle will also connect to any local COM ports that were added through the Configuration window.
Listen for Data - CAT Shuttle will begin listening for incoming data for relay to Speche (and any added COM ports).
TCP Server - CAT Shuttle be begin listening for a connection on the designated TCP Port.
TCP Client - CAT Shuttle will connect to the designated IP Address and Port, and begin listening for data.
Serial Port - CAT Shuttle will connect to the designated local Serial Port and begin listening for data.
Virtual Serial Port* - CAT Shuttle will create or attach to the designated Virtual Serial Port and begin listening for a connection (and data).
* If you encountered the following message on your first usage of CAT Shuttle, for your chosen Virtual Serial Port, stop and re-start CAT Shuttle. If you receive this message again, select a different Virtual Serial Port value. There is a known, but infrequent issue that can cause this message to be erroneously displayed when CAT Shuttle Configuration is launched from the installer. We hope to correct this in a future release.
CAT Shuttle can acquire data in four different ways. The steps to connect your device or software to CAT Shuttle, or connect CAT Shuttle to your server or application will depend upon the Usage Mode selected during CAT Shuttle Configuration.
TCP Server - CAT Shuttle will listen for connections on the selected TCP Port.
Start CAT Shuttle.
Connect to CAT Shuttle with any device or software capable of making a connection to an IP Address and Port.
IP Address - Use the IP Address of the computer that is running CAT Shuttle. If you are connecting to CAT Shuttle from software running on the same computer, use as the IP Address.
Port - Use the Port selected during configuration that CAT Shuttle is monitoring for connections.
Check the Status in the Listening panel to verify that your device or software is connected to CAT Shuttle.
TCP Client - CAT Shuttle will connect to the designated Port at the entered IP Address.
Start the server or application that will listen for a TCP connection from CAT Shuttle.
Start CAT Shuttle.
Check the Status in the Listening panel to verify that CAT Shuttle connected to your server or application.
Check your server or application to verify that CAT Shuttle successfully connected to it.
Serial Port - CAT Shuttle will connect to an existing Serial Port or USB Serial Device.
Connect the appropriate cable, serial or USB, to your output device or computer.
Connect the other end of the cable to a serial or USB port on the computer that is running CAT Shuttle.
Start CAT Shuttle.
Check the Status in the Listening panel to verify that CAT Shuttle connected to the Serial Port or USB Serial Device.
Virtual Serial Port - CAT Shuttle will create or attach to chosen Virtual Serial Port and listen for a connection.
Start CAT Shuttle.
Connect your software to the Virtual Serial Port created by CAT Shuttle.
Check the Status in the Listening panel to verify that your software connected to the Virtual Serial Port.
There are four windows that make up the CAT Shuttle user interface: Display, Configuration, Notifications, and About. Any CAT Shuttle window can be accessed by clicking on the window name in the left hand menu.
The CAT Shuttle Display window offers information about all connections to, or from CAT Shuttle. The Display window is updated every second or whenever the status or state of any CAT Shuttle connection changes. The Display window can be opened by clicking on Display in the left hand menu, right-clicking on the CAT Shuttle System Tray icon and choosing Restore, or double-clicking on the CAT Shuttle System Tray icon when CAT Shuttle is hidden.
Listening Panel - The information in the Listening panel will update every second or upon a change in status.
Listening To: The designated TCP Port, Serial Port (and settings), Virtual Serial Port, or TCP Server (IP Address and Port) assigned during configuration.
Status: The connection status of the listener.
TCP Server - A status of Listening... indicates that nothing is connected to the designated TCP Port. A status of Connected indicates that a device or software has connected to the designated TCP Port. A status of Idle indicates an error state.
TCP Client - A status of Connecting... indicates that CAT Shuttle is trying to connect to the designed IP Address and Port. A status of Connected indicates that CAT Shuttle is connected the designated IP Address and Port. A status of Idle indicates an error state.
Serial Port - A status of Connected indicates that CAT Shuttle is connected to the designated Serial Port. A status of NOT AVAILABLE indicates that the designated Serial Port is in use by another application. A status of Idle indicates an error state.
Virtual Serial Port - A status of Listening... indicates that the CAT Shuttle has created the Virtual Serial Port and is waiting for something (CAT software, et al) to connect to it. A status of Connected indicates that something has connected to the Virtual Serial Port. A status of Idle indicates an error state.
Bytes Received: The number of bytes received by CAT Shuttle.
Disconnects: The number of disconnections that have occurred between CAT Shuttle and the port or server being monitored.
Shuttle to Panel - The information in the Shuttle to panel will update every second or upon a change in state.
Type - The type of outbound connection.
Speche - The data relay connection to Speche.
COM - An added outbound connection to a serial port.
Desc(ription) - A description of the outbound connection.
Connection to Speche- unencrypted data connection.
SSL/TLS Connection to Speche- SSL or TLS encrypted data connection.
RSA/DES Connection to Speche- DES encrypted data connection with RSA key exchange.
State - The state of the outbound connection.
Speche - The state indicates whether CAT Shuttle is connecting to a remote port or is connected to a remote port.
Unencrypted data connections and RSA/DES encrypted data connections can be Connecting to 4000, Connected to 4000, Connecting to 80, or Connected to 80.
SSL/TLS encrypted data connections are either Connecting to 443 or are Connected to 443.
COM - The state of the COM connection will be Connected, if the serial port can be opened.
Bytes Sent - The number of bytes sent over the outbound connection.
Notification Panel
Email notification to: The e-mail address to send notifications or Inactive.
Help Button - Click on the Help button to open this help page.
Hide Button - Click on the Hide button to hide the CAT Shuttle Display window.
The CAT Shuttle Configuration window allows you modify all of the settings established during initial configuration. All CAT Shuttle setting remain in effect until changed. These additional properties can also be modified through the Configuration window:
- Add (or remove) Serial / COM Port outputs
- Allow multiple instances of CAT Shuttle to run on the same computer
- Enable (or disable) CAT Shuttle logging, to assist in problem resolution and debugging.
- Enable (or disable) data encryption between CAT Shuttle and Speche.
The Configuration window can be opened by clicking on Configuration in the left hand menu or right-clicking on the CAT Shuttle System Tray icon and choosing Configure.
Listen Panel - Through the Listen panel you can change the usage mode and the underlying settings for each selection.
Current Panel - The Current panel displays the last assigned usage mode, port, and other properties relevant to that usage mode.
Usage Mode Radio Buttons -
TCP Server - Selecting the TCP Server radio button will expose the TCP Port selector.
TCP Port - Enter or select the TCP port that CAT Shuttle will monitor for a connection. The port must be between 1025 and 65000.
TCP Client - Selecting the TCP Client radio button will expose the IP Address entry box and Port selector.
IP Address - Enter the IP Address of the device or computer that CAT Shuttle will connect to.
TCP Port - Enter or select the port that CAT Shuttle will connect to. The port must be between 1025 and 65000
Serial Port - Selecting the Serial Port radio button will expose the Serial Port selector.
Serial Port - Select the serial port that CAT Shuttle will connect to. Only those serial ports that currently exist on the computer will offered for selection.
Virtual Serial Port - Selecting the Virtual Serial Port radio button will expose the Virtual Serial Port selector.
Virtual Serial Port - Select the port that CAT Shuttle will create and monitor for a connection.
Set Button - Click on the Set button to commit any changes made within the Listen panel. When the Serial Port radio button is selected, clicking on the Set button will open the COM Port Properties Window.
Shuttle Panel - Through the Shuttle panel you modify the properties of the Speche connection and add, remove, or modify COM outputs.
Type - This column denotes the type of outbound connection, Speche or COM.
Desc - This column offers a description of the connection. For added COM connections, the description is entered at the time of addition.
Destination - This column lists the destination of the outbound connection. For added COM connection, the destination value includes the COM port properties in use for that connection.
Add Button - The Add button is used to add COM outputs to the Shuttle panel. Clicking on the Add button will open the Add Device Window.
Remove Button - The Remove button is used to remove added COM outputs from the Shuttle panel. The Remove button is enabled by clicking on a COM output. Clicking on the Remove button will remove the highlighted COM output.
Properties Button - The Properties button is used to view or change the properties of an output connection. The Properties button is enabled by clicking on an output.
Speche - Clicking on the Properties button with the Speche connection highlighted will open the Speche Properties Window.
COM - Clicking on the Properties button with a COM connection highlighted will open the COM Port Properties Window.
Application Panel
Allow single instance only Checkbox - When checked, only one instance of CAT Shuttle may run at a time on the installation computer. To run multiple instances of CAT Shuttle on the same computer, uncheck the Allow single instance only checkbox.
Debug Log Checkbox - When checked, CAT Shuttle will log a variety of functional information to assist in debugging and the resolution of new issues as they are encountered. There is no need to check the Debug Log checkbox unless you experiencing problems with CAT Shuttle. The log file will be stored in the CAT Shuttle installation folder.
Help Button - Click on the Help button to open this help page.
Hide Button - Click on the Hide button to hide the CAT Shuttle Configuration window.
The Speche Properties window allows you change the properties of the connection to Speche.
Username Textbox - Change the username sent by CAT Shuttle to connect to Speche events.
Password Textbox - Change the password sent by CAT Shuttle to connect to Speche events.
Encrypted connection Checkbox - When checked, an encrypted connection will be made between CAT Shuttle and Speche.
Encrypted Connections: When making an encrypted connection to Speche, CAT Shuttle will repeat the following progression until a successful connection is made:
SSL/TLS connection to
TCP/IP connection to with DES data encryption and RSA key exchange.
TCP/IP connection to with DES data encryption and RSA key exchange.
Unencrypted Connections: When making an unencrypted connection to Speche, CAT Shuttle will repeat the following progression until a successful connection is made:
TCP/IP connection to
TCP/IP connection to
OK Button - Click on the OK button to save any changes made in Speche Properties window.
Cancel Button - Click on the Cancel button to close the Speche Properties window and disregard any changes.
The COM Port Properties window allows you change the properties of an added Serial / COM port connection. The COM port properties may need to match the properties of the connecting software or device.
Port - The port used by the selected COM connection.
Parity Radio Buttons - Select the Parity value used for the COM connection, None, Even, or Odd.
Data Bits Radio Buttons - Select the Data Bits value used for the COM connection, 7 or 8.
Stop Bits Radio Buttons - Select the Stop Bits value used for the COM connection, 1 or 2.
Baud Rate Radio Buttons - Select the Baud Rate value used for the COM connection, 1200, 2400, 9600, 14400, 28800, 57600, or 115200.
Description Textbox - The description of the outbound COM connection shown in both the Display and Configuration windows.
Update Button - Click on the Update button to save any changes made in COM Port Properties window.
Cancel Button - Click on the Cancel button to close the COM Port Properties window and disregard any changes.
The Add Device window allows you to add COM output connections to CAT Shuttle. Some features of this window are currently disabled.
COM Port Radio Button - This radio button is used to denote the type of output device to be added. This radio button cannot be deselected at this time.
Port Selector - Select the port to be used for new outbound Serial / COM connection.
Description Textbox - The description of the outbound COM connection shown in both the Display and Configuration windows.
Parity Radio Buttons - Select the Parity value used for the COM connection, None, Even, or Odd.
Data Bits Radio Buttons - Select the Data Bits value used for the COM connection, 7 or 8.
Stop Bits Radio Buttons - Select the Stop Bits value used for the COM connection, 1 or 2.
Baud Rate Radio Buttons - Select the Baud Rate value used for the COM connection, 1200, 2400, 9600, 14400, 28800, 57600, or 115200.
Add Button - Click on the Add button to add the newly configured COM output to CAT Shuttle.
Cancel Button - Click on the Cancel button to close the Add Device window and disregard your selections.
The Notification window allows you set up e-mail notifications from CAT Shuttle. Notifications are to assist with the administration of CAT Shuttle instances running on remote servers. Verify the SMTP server and e-mail address before enabling this feature. Notifications failures will be logged in the CAT Shuttle error log.
Send notifications Checkbox - When checked, CAT Shuttle will attempt to send automated e-mail status notifications through the entered SMPTP server to the entered e-mail address.
SMTP Server Textbox - Enter the SMTP server that CAT Shuttle should use to send e-mails. The SMTP server can entered as either a DNS name or an IP Address.
Email Address Textbox - Enter the e-mail address that will CAT Shuttle send notifications to.
Help Button - Click on the Help button to open this help page.
Hide Button - Click on the Hide button to hide the CAT Shuttle Notifications window.
You can change the Usage Mode, Port (and IP Address), or other input connection properties in the Listen panel, at the top of the Configuration Window.
To change the Usage Mode, start at (a). To change the Port (or IP Address), start at (b). To change the properties of a Serial / COM port, start at (c).
Click on the radio button for the desired usage mode: TCP Server, TCP Client, Serial Port, or Virtual Serial Port.
Enter or select the required properties (port, etc) for the chosen Usage Mode
TCP Server - Enter or select a TCP Port, between 1025 and 65000, that CAT Shuttle will monitor. The default port is 7000.
TCP Client
Enter the IP Address of the computer or device that CAT Shuttle will connect to. The IP Address must be in IPv4 format. Example:
Enter or select the TCP Port, between 1025 and 65000, that CAT Shuttle will connect to.
Serial Port - Select the Serial / COM port that CAT Shuttle will connect to. If an expected port is not present, verify that any required software, such as those for a USB Serial Device, is started. To refresh the Serial Port options, click on a different usage mode (TCP Server, TCP Client, or Virtual Serial Port), and then click on Serial Port.
Virtual Serial Port - Select the Virtual Serial Port that CAT Shuttle will create and monitor for a connection.
Click on the Set button.
TCP Server - CAT Shuttle will begin listening for a connection to the designated TCP Port.
TCP Client - CAT Shuttle will connect to the entered IP Address and Port. If CAT Shuttle is not able to connect, verify that the target device or application is running and listening for connections, and that the port is open, if connecting to a different computer.
CAT Shuttle will connect to designated Serial Port. If the selected Serial Port is already in use, verify that no other applications are using that Serial Port. Check the Shuttle panel, below the Listen panel, to verify whether that port is listed as a CAT Shuttle output.
Virtual Serial Port - CAT Shuttle will create the designated Virtual Serial Port and listen for a connection.
Click on Display in the left menu to open the Display Window and view the status of the Listening connection.
You can change the Speche username and password used by CAT Shuttle in the Shuttle panel, in the middle of the Configuration Window. Speche usernames and passwords are case-sensitive.
Click anywhere on the Connection to Speche row in the Shuttle outputs box.
With the Speche row highlighted, click on the Properties button to open the Speche Properties Window.
Change the Username and / or Password.
Click on the OK button to reconnect to Speche using the udpated Username and Password.
You can enable or disable encryption on the Speche data connection in the Shuttle panel, in the middle of the Configuration Window. By default, encryption is disabled.
Click anywhere on the Connection to Speche row in the Shuttle outputs box.
With the Speche row highlighted, click on the Properties button to open the Speche Properties Window.
To enable encryption, check the Encrypted connection checkbox.
To disable encryption, uncheck the Encrypted connection checkbox.
Click on the OK button to reconnect to Speche.
The connection type can be determined by the Desc column of the Display window.
Connection to Speche indicates an unencrypted data connection.
SSL/TLS Connection to Speche indicates an encrypted data connection using SSL or TLS.
RSA/DES Connection to Speche indicates a DES encrypted data connection with an RSA key exchange.
You can add or remove Serial / COM Port outputs used by CAT Shuttle in the Shuttle panel, in the middle of the Configuration Window.
Click on the Add button, below the Shuttle outputs box, to open the Add Device Window.
Select the desired output port and enter an optional description. CAT Shuttle will list every existing Serial Port, including any already in use as an output.
Modify any of the port properties, as needed.
Click on the Add button.
The added COM output will appear in both the Configuration window.
The added COM output will also appear in the Display window.
In the Shuttle outputs box, click anywhere on the row of the COM output that you wish to remove.
With the desired row highlighted, click on the Remove button.
The COM output will be removed from both the Configuration and Display windows.
In the Shuttle outputs box, click anywhere on the row of the COM connection that you wish to modify.
With the desired row highlighted, click on the Properties button to open the COM Port Properties Window.
Make any desired changes and click on the Update button.
The property changes will be reflected on both the Configuration and Display windows.
CAT Shuttle can be repaired or uninstalled in two ways:
Run the CAT Shuttle setup program and choose Repair or Remove. The CAT Shuttle setup program is available at the CAT Shuttle Installer web page.
In the Control Panel, open Add or Remove Programs (or Uninstall a Program) and locate CAT Shuttle in the installed programs list. Choose repair, change, remove, or uninstall as desired and offered by your operating system.
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